British Birds
My goal is to document every British bird species through a mix of photography and art. Each entry includes three of my best photos, an original artwork, and a short video, capturing both the beauty and character of the bird. A blend of realism and creativity, this collection is my tribute to the incredible diversity of British birdlife.
(Pied Avocet)
- Recurvirostra avosetta
Migrant Resident Breeder Passage Winter Visitor
Barn Owl
(Western Barn Owl)
- Tyto alba
Resident Breeder
Barnacle Goose
(Barnacle Goose)
- Branta leucopsis
Escaped Breeder Winter Visitor
Barrows Goldeneye
(Barrows Goldeneye)
- Bucephala islandica
Black-headed Gull
(Black-headed Gull)
- Chroicocephalus ridibundus
Migrant Resident Breeder Passage Winter Visitor
Black-tailed Godwit
(Black-tailed Godwit)
- Limosa limosa
Migrant Breeder Passage Winter Visitor
Black-winged Stilt
(Black-winged Stilt)
- Himantopus himantopus
Scarce Visitor Has Bred
(Common Blackbird)
- Turdus merula
Migrant Resident Breeder Passage Winter Visitor
Blue Tit
(Eurasian Blue Tit)
- Cyanistes caeruleus
Resident Breeder Winter Visitor
Brent Goose
(Brant Goose)
- Branta bernicla
Winter Visitor
Canada Goose
(Canada Goose)
- Branta canadensis
Introduced Breeder Accidental
Carrion Crow
(Carrion Crow)
- Corvus corone
Resident Breeder Winter Visitor
(Eurasian Chaffinch)
- Fringilla coelebs
Resident Breeder Passage Winter Visitor
(Eurasian Curlew)
- Numenius arquata
Migrant Resident Breeder Passage Winter Visitor
- Mareca strepera
Migrant Resident Breeder Winter Visitor
Greylag Goose
(Greylag Goose)
- Anser anser
Introduced Resident Breeder Winter Migrant
Mute Swan
(Mute Swan)
- Cygnus olor
Resident Introduced Breeder
- Mergellus albellus
Winter Visitor
(Eurasian Sparrowhawk)
- Accipiter nisus
Resident Breeder Passage Winter Visitor